Wrap-up of IBC 2024: Amplifying our family with Seiri

Aaron Lopez (Amplify CEO), Oriol Egea (Amplify CTO), and Roberto Pascual (CRO) at IBC 2024

After an incredible few days at IBC 2024, at Amplify we are delighted to reflect on the event’s highlights, including the debut of our AI-powered solutions. The convention offered an unparalleled platform for fostering connections with partners, customers, and other key players in the media and broadcast industry. As we look back, the energy, ideas, and collaborations that emerged during the event have only reaffirmed our mission to revolutionize media workflows with AI technology.

SeiriVoice Evolves: Meet Seiri, the ultimate AI Toolkit Unveiled at IBC 2024

IBC 2024 marked a milestone event for Amplify, where we not only showcased the previously announced SeiriVoice but also revealed the full version of Seiri, our comprehensive All-in-One AI-powered solution. While SeiriVoice, the audio-only package, has already been making waves with its capabilities in transcription, translation, and dubbing, Seiri brings an expanded suite of features designed to revolutionize how media companies handle large volumes of audiovisual content.

For those who couldn’t attend the live demonstrations at IBC, a video showcasing Seiri’s full potential will be released soon. This in-depth look will highlight all of Seiri’s capabilities, allowing you to see firsthand how it can revolutionize your media workflows. From automatic transcription to facial recognition, logo detection, content classification and others, Seiri delivers an unparalleled level of automation and precision. This full version goes further, enabling media professionals to extract metadata, categorize content, generate summaries, or perform detailed scene recognition—all in one powerful platform.

AI Continues to Revolutionize the Industry

The discussions and insights shared during IBC 2024 reinforced a central theme: AI tools are playing an increasingly pivotal role in transforming the media and broadcast industry. From automating labor-intensive processes to enhancing the overall quality of content production, the integration of AI is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in media creation.

Despite these advancements, challenges such as implementation costs, data privacy, and ethical concerns remain at the forefront of industry conversations. Amplify, through solutions like SeiriVoice and Seiri, aims to mitigate these concerns by providing intuitive, cost-effective tools that media companies can integrate seamlessly into their existing workflows.

Our mission is clear: democratizing AI to make it accessible for all media companies, big or small. By simplifying the adoption of AI, we empower creators to harness the potential of these technologies while addressing the critical concerns that accompany them.

Missed the Action at IBC 2024? We have so much time to crush it before IBC 2025!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone we connected with during IBC 2024. From longtime partners to new acquaintances, the conversations we had with industry leaders and innovators have been incredibly inspiring. The feedback, insights, and collaborations we experienced will help guide Amplify as we continue to push the boundaries of AI-driven solutions.

We can’t wait to see everyone again at IBC 2025 as we continue to drive innovation and amplify success together!

In the meantime, reach out to us by contacting us here and follow us on Linkedin and Twitter/X to stay updated on all our announcements and updates.

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